Bobby Kennedy's daughter, Kerry Kennedy apparently wrote a book about "Being Catholic Now" and was interviewed on WBUR program On Point today.
I liked this comment someone left on the web site:
"As a non-Catholic, I actually find it problematic that someone would be Roman Catholic because of a commitment to social justice while simultaneously denying the doctrinal propositions of the Roman Catholic Church specifically or even Christianity more generally. Surely the doctrinal content of the Catholic Church is an important distinction between itself and other institutions.
To put it bluntly, if one is Catholic because of the sense of community but disagrees with the Church doctrinally, then they should join the Rotary; if they are committed to social justice but not the doctrine, why not Amnesty International instead of the Church? If one wants a sense of spirituality or connection to “the Almighty” but not worship of the Trinity, why be Catholic instead of Jewish or Muslim? At some point, we must accept the Church on its own terms rather than trying to make the Church in our own image.
For myself, while supporting many of the social stands of the Catholic Church, I am not Catholic because I cannot ascent to all of its beliefs, nor do I belong to a church whose beliefs I share if there is no practical application of those beliefs. Pope Benedict is perhaps correct that there should be a smaller, more committed Catholic Church if the Church is to survive as a single camp."