Friday, April 27, 2007

"Masculine" Genius
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Zenit has an interview of Anthony Esolen, who is a frequent contributor to Crisis magazine

The title parallels the term "feminine genius" used by the late John Paul II's 1988 apostolic letter on the Dignity and Vocation of Women, Mulieris Dignitatem, A good commentary on this document can be found here.

Briefly, feminine genius (genius here means unique qualities) refers to things such as women's ability to bear children, their relational nature, their nurturing nature, the reflection of humanity in general in front of God, their model of openness to God, emotions. Modern feminism has corrupted this by telling women that their dignity is based on power, money and control - the things that are reflective of men's (males) fallen nature.

So what are unique qualities of men that are natural to them? According to Esolen, these could include their affinity for organization, leadership, complex structures, etc.

On reading that, I thought "That's so me! This really speaks to who I am!" Then I realized that having these affinities no longer make me that special. Alas. But it certainly explains my affinity for complex structures such as the economy, airline industry, logistics, operations research, optimizing TV/Video settings, teaching, data reduction, etc.

And it also helps me realize that women in general are not so attuned to these things (I am sure there are women who are very good at these things) in the way men are. Therefore it is unreasonable to expect women around me to like these things like the way I do.

However, I need to become aware of their feminine genius and help them bring it out in them - although women probably can help each other much better than I ever can.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I agree with what you say. However, we must also remember that everyone is also unique and no one can be defined simply by "male" or "female". I know you aren't saying this - but just because you posess the "masculine" qualities doesn't mean you are not special. No one can possible be as attuned to TV/video settings as you.

Also, there are some men who are very nurturing and relationship focused, while there are women who do have an affinity for organization or leadership. We're all unique and that is what makes us special.