Friday, October 12, 2007

Cardinal Sean O'Malley at Theology on Tap

This event was in Quincy, a neighborhood of Boston about 30 minutes away from Roslindale, where I currently reside. The venue was "Bad Abbot's" one of the numerous "Irish" pubs.

The venue was packed, as expected. When Bishop Gregory Aymond of Austin spoke at ToT, same thing happened. Of courses, i had forgotten this fact, and decided to arrive right on time, resulting in me having to stand the whole time.

The talk addressed the fact that we as christians need mentors and need to be mentors to others. Be an example of courage, service, giving, etc. And that we should not settle for warm fuzzies that many modern religious movements seem to promote. Jesus did not die on the cross for the warm fuzzies, as he said.

He has a blog,

This is me being a paparazzo, as he is getting into is ride:

The video of the event is posted on Google, so you can watch it anytime:

Sean Cardinal O'Malley at TOT

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