Monday, January 01, 2007

Mad Mel Gibson - Signs and Contradictions

My response to the article:

Debra Murphy is very astute: she notes the "under-the-radar" critique of current culture of death in the movie Apocalypto, which is something I did not pick up until she mentioned it. Even if the movie showed the sacrifice of children, I don't think I would have noticed. The word of God seem to have the effect of overtaking cultures that have human sacrifice - in Canaan, when the Israelites arrived - and in central America, as the movie shows; hopefully, it will do so in modern societies. As for Mel Gibson's inner demons, Mel is the one who must deal with them - with our prayers. But most of all, let us pray that he does not drink and drive. The world/Hollywood's reaction to Mel may arise from the fact that they (Hollywood) does not like someone who fights their inner demons - they probably don't like virtue, because truth hurts.

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