Tuesday, October 31, 2006

On Women priests (II)

to continue paraphrasing CW:

A culture that eliminates this difference kills itself - a "unisex" world - leads to a culture of death - [how, you say?] The very sexual difference..." is the beginning of a path in which we discover the ultimate and fundamental difference for human beings: the difference between God and [humans]". blurring this difference blurs the great nuptual mystery: the call to life-giving communion for men and women, and between God and us.

[Men cannot complain that we can't bear children either..]

Preists "efficaciously" symbolize Christ's giving up his body for his Bride so that she can bring fort live in the holy spirit - only men and do this - it does not make sense for women to symbolize giving up her body for his bride. Otherwise, the symbolism becomes bride to bride - theire is no nuptual union, and no possibility of new life . Sexual communion in marriage is intimately linked to the Eucharist.

[Yet this would bring up the question - don't consecrated religious give their life to the service of the church?] ... on the next post...

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