Tuesday, October 31, 2006

On Women priests (III)

One may ask:
"If men become "bride of Christ" as members of the church, why can't women become the bridegroom as a priest?

1. Certainly all baptized men and women participate in the church, who together constitute what is feminine, as a Bride. Also, all baptized men and women as member of the church participate in Christ's priesthood in living a life of sacrifice with him.

2. individual person becoming a sacrament of Christ is a different issue: to have efficacious sacraments, the physical reality must reflect correctly the spiritual reality. If a priest baptizes someone with the words of baptism while pouring motor oil over his or her head, there is nobaptism. The cleansing symbolism [as well as death and life] of water is not there. Likewise, nothing would happen if a bishop laid hands on a woman and said the words of ordination, because woman is not an accurate symbol of the bridegroom.

This discussion clearly reminds me that I don't remember my sacramental theology well at all...

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