Tuesday, October 31, 2006

What is heaven?

One day, when some of us were cooking, we discussed why we want to go to heaven. One person asked: "wouldn't eternal liturgy get a big boring after a while?" It had been a while since I read Peter Kreeft Heaven: The heart's deepest longing

so I was at a loss of words. And I don't know who has my copy right now...

Anyway, on Godspy is an ad for another book of interest:

Lorenzo Albacete: God at the Ritz

May be a good read.

It would be wonderful to have these at the library of my local parish..


ScholarChanter said...

I got me a copy of God at the Ritz - collection of very short thought-pieces - it raises questions to think about, but not necessarily answer them. But that's ok.. Having answers to everything takes away the mystery of the ultimate reality of heaven.

Anonymous said...

To be eternally with the one I love... isn't that heaven? Now that wouldn't be that bad. :)